Patch Tuesday and third-party updates | This Wednesday | 9 AM EDT / 5 PM CET

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From None to Done: 100% Patching Coverage in Just 5 Minutes Recording

Still struggling with patching? Achieve full patch coverage in just 5 minutes! Discover how the infinitely scalable and highly secure Action1 Platform sets you up with patch management that just works. Watch our demo to explore the following capabilities:

  • Third-Party and OS Patching: Automate patching of third-party software and OS, even offline, ensuring 99% patching coverage for most enterprise environments
  • Vulnerability Detection and Remediation: Detect vulnerabilities in OS and applications in real-time and enforce remediation
  • Real-Time Visibility: Instant visibility into endpoint vulnerabilities, without the need for periodic scans
  • Continuous Patch Compliance: Ensure continuous patch compliance, while lowering costs

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Sean Carroll

Sean Carroll

Technical Product Engineer

Sean Carroll has 10 years of IT experience working in MSP and internal IT environments, giving him a deep understanding of day-to-day IT operations and what an IT team needs to be successful.