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Action1 5 Documentation 5 Customize Built-in Package Installation

Customizing Built-in Package Installation

Action1 Software Repository is a continuously updated private application repository that hosts the latest versions of all supported applications to keep your endpoints secure and patched.
Action1 maintains built-in software repository packages that are available to all customers: it tests and publishes updates for this package shortly after the vendor releases them, typically within two days after release. (For security and compatibility reasons, beta and development versions aren’t available in the Software Repository.) Also, Action1 enables users to create private software packages to be shared within their organizations.

  • The package object is a container of software versions, and initially it should contain the first available version of the software (child object called “version”). New versions are added continuously as the respective vendor releases them.
  • Each version object contains the software binary setup files in MSI, EXE or ZIP format (up to 32Gb in size) and deployment settings, such as silent install switches. It may also include the additional actions to be executed before or after a software installation or uninstallation (e.g., reboot or run a script).

Action1 allows you to customize the built-in software package installation settings without cloning the package. This can be helpful, for example, when you need to distribute a software package with a license key to a certain department or configure site token properties that should be unique for your MSP clients.

Customization is currently supported for these package types: MSI,EXE, CMD, BAT, PS1, ZIP.

To customize the built-in package installation, take these steps:

  1. From the Software Repository, select the package you need.
  2. In the Software Package Settings dialog, expand Overrides for package installation settings.
Select target architecture and Office 365 edition.
  1. Click Add.
  2. Then you can specify silent installation switches – command line parameters that instruct the installer to operate without user interaction and suppress UI prompts. Example switches: /quiet, /silent, /s, /q. You can also configure the installation parameters, for example, to automatically accept the end-user license while running the MSI – by entering EULA_ACCEPT=YES.

TIP: For more information about silent installation switches, refer to the documentation from the software vendor.

  1. Verify the parameters using the Command line preview below the input field.
  2. Configure the customized package Behavior – that is, how the custom settings should affect the standard installation parameters. Possible options:
      • Substitute – custom settings should override the standard installation parameters.
      • Append (default) – custom settings should be appended and used together with the standard installation parameters.

IMPORTANT! For MSI files (Windows installer packages), silent installation switches (/quiet, /silent, /s, etc.) are mandatory and should be specified correctly; otherwise, the installation hangs.

  1. Specify Versions – select which package versions will be targeted; default is All versions.
Select target architecture and Office 365 edition.
  1. Specify Scope – select whether the custom switches should be applied throughout Enterprise (default) or Organization.

NOTE: Enterprise scope is the default for groups/organizations without specific scopes. Organization-level settings override Enterprise-level.

Select target architecture and Office 365 edition.

You can add as many custom installation switches as required.

To view the installation switches configured for the built-in package, select the package from Software Repository and then click the required version.