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Action1 5 Documentation 5 Add Custom Packages to Software Repository 5 Windows App: Version Installation Settings

Windows App: Version Installation Settings

On the Installation tab of the app version settings, configure the following for your Windows app:

  1. Click on the target platform – this can be Windows 32- or/and 64-bit.
  2. In the Binary Settings dialog that opens, select the option you need:
    • Upload files to a private Action1 Cloud for P2P distribution (recommended option since it enables you to push installation to remote endpoints that aren’t connected to a corporate LAN). See Private P2P Software Distribution Technology  for more information.
    • Select a file from a public UNC location.
NOTE: You can upload a ZIP package with multiple files (EXE, MSI, or script) — see Prepare Multi-File Custom Packages  for more information.
Programs and Features
  1. Click Confirm to save the settings and close the dialog.

If you need two setups (for 32-bit and for 64-bit architectures), repeat steps 1-3 for the second setup.

NOTE: If your setup supports both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures, you can populate the Windows 32 bit binary field only. However, if your setup supports 64-bit architecture only, you should upload it using the Windows 64 bit binary field.

  1. Wait for the upload process to complete, then click Save.
  2. On the Installation tab, make sure the corresponding Installation type is selected, depending on your deployment package:
    • Windows installer: – for .msi
    • Other: – for .exe, .cmd, .bat, .ps1, or .zip
Programs and Features
  1. Customize your app installation by configuring the corresponding package properties.

Customizing Windows Installer (MSI) usage

In the Additional MSI properties field, you can specify parameters for silent installation:

  • Enter the required silent install switches and setup parameters.
  • Some MSI packages provide optional customization parameters called “public properties”. If you need to use a public property with a string value, enclose that value in quotes. To learn more about MSI properties, refer to Microsoft documentation.
  • If you uploaded MSI within a ZIP, then in the first place enter the full path (relative) to the MSI file:
    .\[path_to_setup_inside_zip]\setup.msi param1=value1
  • If the file name contains spaces, enclose it in quotes. Example for the MSI located in the root folder of the ZIP archive:
    .\\"my setup.msi" param1=value1
  • Finally, verify the resulting command using the Command line preview below the field.

Customizing EXE file usage

Provide Silent install switches to suppress any interactive prompts and allow the Action1 agent to run setup in a fully unattended mode, without any user input.
Example switches:

  • /s
  • /q

NOTE: The silent install/uninstall switches for EXE files are vendor- and app-specific. To discover silent install switches available for your app:

  • Run /? or /help or a similar command.
  • Check the app documentation.

If you uploaded EXE packed within a ZIP, then in the Silent install switch field you should explicitly specify the script that will run the EXE file. Enter the full path (relative) to the script file within the ZIP archive. If the file name contains spaces, enclose it in quotes.
.\\testapp\\"application setup.ps1"

NOTE: If you are working with a “dumb” setup (the one that has no installer but requires running a script to copy app files to the destination folder), specify the script name as a Silent install switch parameter. If the script name contains spaces, enclose it in quotes. To read more about “dumb” setups, refer to Prepare Multi-File Custom Packages.
  1. Specify Success exit codes for your installation. Action1 uses this code to identify if the installation succeeded or failed. In most cases, the code 0 stands for a successful operation.

NOTE: You can double-check the success exit code with the app publisher.

  1. Specify Reboot exit codes. Action1 uses them to define whether the restart operation is needed. In most cases, proceed with the default codes for your app, for example, 1641, 3010.

Next, configure Additional Actions for your app, as described in Add Custom Packages to Software Repository.