Hidden Gems in Action1: Valuable Yet Overlooked Features

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Action1 5 Company News 5 New Action1 Platform Automates Vulnerability Remediation for Global Enterprises

New Action1 Platform Automates Vulnerability Remediation for Global Enterprises

Houston, Texas, November 1, 2023
Action1 Corporation, a provider of the #1 risk-based patch management platform designed for distributed enterprise networks, today announced its latest release. Global enterprises navigating complex environments can now ensure rapid adoption of Action1’s platform within their organization for reduced Mean-Time-To-Remediate (MTTR) while eliminating gaps in their remediation processes.

Key features:

  • Automation and Cost Savings. Enterprises can reduce the time required for solution adoption by instantly mapping automated vulnerability remediation workflows to their existing IT infrastructure organization-wide in a few minutes.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO). Customers can implement more secure and simplified access management for their Action1 organization without additional charges.
  • Unified Vulnerability Discovery. Action1’s expanded coverage for vulnerability detection now includes both third-party and OS CVEs in one single view, eliminating siloes and gaps in remediation workflows.
  • Complete Third-Party Vulnerability Remediation. Action1’s secure and reliable software repository now contains hundreds of applications and patches for automated third-party application patching.
  • Compliance with Data Privacy Laws. In pursuit of helping customers maintain data privacy worldwide, Action1 has expanded by adding a data center in Europe, ensuring compliance with local laws like GDPR.
  • Custom Branding. Replace the Action1 logo to align with the customer’s brand and tailor user prompts by region or business unit for local languages.

Enterprise IT teams often struggle with manually organizing their endpoints within their remediation solution, which can drag on for months, while leaving their organization exposed to risks arising from gaps in their remediation strategies. Action1’s latest features are designed to eliminate this tedious process, enabling enterprises to save costs and reduce security risks.

Mike Walters, President and co-founder of Action1.

As an enterprise with a complex environment consisting of multiple business units and locations, we greatly benefit from the new Action1 platform. With Action1 in place and their remediation workflows, we have seen almost immediate results in terms of addressing vulnerabilities in a timely manner.
Marc Weathers, CEO and founder of Red Rabbit Security.

The new Action1 platform is available at: www.action1.com.

About Action1

Action1 reinvents patch management with an infinitely scalable and highly secure platform configurable in 5 minutes that just works. With integrated real-time vulnerability assessment and automated remediation for third-party software and OS, peer-to-peer patch distribution, and IT ecosystem integrations, it ensures continuous patch compliance and reduces ransomware and security risks – all while lowering costs. Action1 is certified for SOC 2/ISO 27001 and is trusted by thousands of enterprises managing millions of endpoints globally. The company was founded by cybersecurity veterans Alex Vovk and Mike Walters, who previously founded Netwrix, which was acquired by TA Associates.

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