Hidden Gems in Action1: Valuable Yet Overlooked Features

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Survey: 60% of Sysadmins Lack Understanding to Leverage AI, Leading to Critical Disruptions in Every Sixth Organization

Survey: 60% of Sysadmins Lack Understanding to Leverage AI, Leading to Critical Disruptions in Every Sixth Organization

Action1, a provider of an integrated real-time vulnerability discovery and automated patch management solution, announced today the release of 2024 AI Impact on Sysadmins: Survey Report, which analyzes insights from system administrators (sysadmins) worldwide to gain a comprehensive view of their thoughts and experiences on AI’s potential.

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Action1 Bridges the Gap Between Vulnerability Discovery and Remediation, Targeting Up to 40% Reduction in Cyberattack Risk for Enterprises

Action1 Corporation, a provider of the #1 risk-based patch management platform designed for work-from-anywhere enterprises, released a new version of its solution. The updated Action1 platform brings together vulnerability discovery and remediation, helping enterprises fortify their defenses against threats such as ransomware infections and security breaches.

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