As remote work continues and cyberthreats increase, MSPs and internal IT departments need remote monitoring and management (RMM) tools that give them complete visibility and control over their endpoints and enable them to secure and support their remote or hybrid workforces.
How to Build a Managed Service Provider (MSP) Business in 2022
Starting an MSP or managed service provider business can be a very lucrative move. The global MSP market was valued at just over $200 billion in 2019, and it’s expected to grow to almost $500 billion by 2027.
But how do you access this market? How do you get started with your MSP business? Take a look at our MSP startup guide and business plan template to learn more.
Top 6 Common Mistakes Growing MSP Businesses Should Avoid
The demand for managed services is at an all-time high. However, the managed IT niche is becoming increasingly competitive, and customers are demanding more from managed service providers. One of the biggest challenges facing MSPs is choosing the areas to base their offering. But by understanding what customers want from an IT-provider and the market challenges, you can fine-tune your managed IT offering to come out on top. Part of doing so is avoiding MSP mistakes that could jeopardize your growth efforts.
Increasing MSP Profitability and Reducing Costs with RMM
The MSP sector is changing. A recent survey suggested that traditional support services and hardware resales are becoming less important for MSP revenue, projected to reduce by 73% and 63%, respectively, between 2020 and 2022. Meanwhile, cloud-based managed services, such as SaaS products, are becoming more important factors in the revenue stream, expected to provide 51% more revenue across the same time period.
MSP Pricing Models Guide: Achieving MSP Profitability
Pricing is about more than just the price tag. The MSP pricing structure is just as important as the cost of MSP. For most businesses, the pricing model has a massive impact on the final MSP spend. Managed IT pricing is a delicate balancing act between setting fair profit margins and modeling the costs to fit different consumer scenarios. Here are the common MSP pricing models favored by most service providers.
Sure Strategies and Ways to Prevent Cyber Attacks
Hackers take advantage of weak cybersecurity policies and obsolete IT security infrastructure. Unfortunately, quite a few businesses realize the importance of protection against cyberattacks only after becoming victims. Organizations need to think of ways to prevent cyberattacks before it is too late. Learn strategies you can employ to defend your organization against cyberattacks.
Windows Update Failed? Here Are 7 Ways to Fix It
Are you experiencing problems updating Windows? Read this detailed guide discussing Windows failed updates and learn how to install and how to fix update error quickly.
5-Step Vulnerability Remediation Process
Vulnerability remediation management is a vital part of corporate cybersecurity. Understand security vulnerability management and learn strategies through this guide to the vulnerability remediation process. There is no such thing as a perfectly secure software application. In one way or another, they all have security vulnerabilities waiting to be discovered. In fact, new software vulnerabilities or security bugs are found nearly every day, even in mainstream software products and services. In a recent study, 42 percent of the surveyed cybersecurity and IT professionals said security risk management is more challenging today due to an increasing number of software vulnerabilities.
Top 7 Managed Services Provider Best Practices Promoting Business Growth
The demand for managed IT services is soaring as more and more organizations continue to adopt new digital enterprise solutions, such as the cloud, big data, blockchain, IoT, and automation. Managed IT remains the fastest and most cost-efficient way for businesses to implement and utilize these emerging technologies.
How can MSP vendors streamline workflows with the best MSP tools to thrive and stand out in the competitive managed IT industry? Read on in Action1 Blog to learn the best strategies for managed service providers.
The Admin’s IT Guide to Remote Endpoint Management
More people than ever are working from home, and IT teams are being pushed to the limit trying to maintain both user productivity and corporate security. They need to be able to keep endpoints properly maintained, monitor network activity, troubleshoot issues promptly, and more — all while remote.
The job can feel overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be. To help, we’ve drawn up a list of the essential best practices managing a remote workforce, along with tips for implementing them effectively.
MSP Processes and Best Practices
The widespread digitization due to the COVID-19 pandemic, uptick in cloud adoption, IT talent shortage, and growing concerns over cybersecurity fuels a rising demand for managed service providers (MSPs). This shows in the expanding managed services market, which is expected to grow from its current value of $242.9 billion to $354.8 billion in just four years.
What Is a Managed Service Provider for IT Services?
Are you interested in learning about what is the MSP for IT services? Use this introductory guide to help you better understand what they’re all about and how they could be a great choice for providing streamlined IT solutions. We’ll also show you what to look for in a remote monitoring and management (RMM) software for managed services companies.
Cloud Remote Monitoring and Management Platforms — Definitions and Benefits for MSPs
The answers to fundamental questions: what is cloud RMM software and what benefits for IT teams and MSP businesses it serves? And why deploying an RMM solution could be revolutionary for your IT management?
Tackling Microsoft Defender Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Microsoft rolled out its monthly set of security updates. The security patches bundle included fixes for 83 vulnerabilities on Windows operating system, enterprise servers, development tools, and various cloud products and services. Among these patches, ten were described as critical, and one of the most important patches was the fix for Microsoft Defender Remote Code Execution Vulnerability – a zero-day vulnerability that Microsoft said was exploited in the wild before the patch was released.
How Can Organizations Use Cloud Security for Cybersecurity and Data Protection
Organizations today are migrating to and utilizing cloud services in ever-growing numbers. While businesses may not have fully moved to the cloud, many adopt hybrid infrastructures and services spanning both on-premises and cloud resources.
How To Delete User Profiles Remotely with PowerShell
PowerShell script to delete domain user profile from Windows operating system remotely as well as delete a local user profile
Choosing Remote Desktop Access Tools for IT Management and MSP Business
IT professionals can no longer swing by someone’s desk and grab their desktop or pick up a laptop to work on an issue. Due to public health concerns and social distancing, remotely triaging and resolving issues is the new normal, and IT workers have to consider how to install monitoring software remotely. The shift towards working-from-home has spiked the demand for endpoint remote management tools among organizations. Most businesses simply have not been prepared to face a sudden mass transition to remote operations and social distancing. However, the benefits of utilizing cloud-based remote monitoring and management tools have been known for as long as remote work has been practiced.
How to Uninstall Programs With Standard Windows Tools
In this article, you’ll learn where is the uninstallation of programs in Windows 10 operating system and 3 simple ways to uninstall programs in Windows 10
How to Shutdown Remote Computers via PowerShell
This guide describes how to run remote Windows shutdown command on multiple computers at once using simple PowerShell script
What is an Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP)
With businesses making use of the cloud technologies, and employees having the ability to access business environments using mobile devices and other device types, today’s network perimeter has shifted to the endpoint. An Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP) provides a holistic approach to cybersecurity that takes into consideration today’s shift to the cloud and end user device-centric productivity. What is an endpoint protection platform? How does it compare with traditional security solutions?